Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Drew's 6 Month Checkup

Weight: 16 pounds (25%)
Height: 26.3 inches (50-75%)
Head: 17.3 inches (50-75%)

Physical Exam: A+
Development: A+

Drew was great. The shots sucked, we didn't give him tylenol first and you could tell. He screamed a little more and a little longer than last time, but he was good after a few minutes. He slept a little tiny bit and has been fussy ever since. He has a slight case of eczema and a drool rash. We are going to start to wean him off of his prevacid, so wish us luck with that. Oh, and the doctor said to wait till he is a year old to try some more avocados, which was our plan anyway.

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